Teach STEM at Your School
Accelerate STEM Education with Boolean Girl's Expertise
Boolean Girl has proven curriculum used to teach over 10,000 girls and boys to code. We have modified our instructor training program for teachers. This won’t be a “one-and-done” training session with recorded videos. Our staff, that includes elementary school teachers will provide a live instructor to engage and inspire teachers and a collection of proven curricula and other resources teachers can use to teach STEM in school (or online).
As part of the program we will provide certification for the teachers, so they can fulfill their requirements for continuing education.
Why? Because Technology is Reshaping the Future
In the coming years, jobs will require proficiency in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), particularly computer science. We need to equip our children with the skills necessary to find employment in a transforming world. Unfortunately, there simply aren’t enough of teachers trained in STEM education to address the need for early engagement in coding and technology. In 2015, there were 51 teachers who graduated with a certificate to teach computer science in America. Let that number sink in: there are 328 million Americans, almost 57 million school children, and only 51 teachers who are certified to teach them in the field that is certain to dominate every aspect of the world they inherit.
Leverage Boolean Girl's Experience
Boolean Girl has been teaching Elementary School aged children to code for many years. We have curricula for both online and in class teaching that is aligned with national standards for Computer Science.
Teachers that participate will learn to code and will be provided our proven curriculum to use as is or tailor to their classroom. As part of the sessions, our staff will discuss how they have used the materials in their classrooms. Teachers will be expected to start a program at their school, but they won’t have to do it alone. We will be there to assist and support you.
If you have questions, email us at info@booleangirl.org.
NEW Teacher Training Resources
Available Free to Use When You Need It
Boolean Girl has been teaching elementary school-aged children to code for many years. Since 2014, we have worked with teachers to develop and test our curricula, integrating it into subjects such as math, science, and literature. We've packaged up several of our proven lessons to provide completely FREE to teachers to help integrate into their own class plans.
Check out our new Teacher Training Resources HERE.