Saturday STEM Classes for Kids in MoCo
We offer Spring and Fall Coding Clubhouse sessions in Montgomery County, Maryland. Our Clubhouses are led by our rockstar STEM instructors, many of whom are female high school and college students. These instructors are passionate teachers and mentors for young girls and underrepresented youth.
If you are new to Boolean Girl, Clubhouse is a great way to get to know us and decide if a summer camp with Boolean Girl is a good option.
Sign Up for Clubhouse
Stay tuned for more on our Montgomery County Clubhouses. Follow @booleangirl on social media and sign up for our emails for any announcements.

Sponsor a Clubhouse
ALL Boolean Girl Clubhouses are provided free-of-charge to those who cannot afford to pay. We could not provide these resources for children without the support of community partners.
Learn how your organization can sponsor a local Clubhouse here.